I’ll be brief this week. We’re heading into municipal election season. Candidates will start circulating petitions this week to gain the ballot for the May primary. They’ll be seeking seats on the school board, city council, township supervisor, and judge. These are important gigs. We should not cede them to folks who we would otherwise avoid like the plague (recognizing that many Americans decided this year they actually prefer inhaling the plague through unmasked nostrils of civic irresponsibility).
How About A Simple Question, Then?
To each candidate: How will you use your position to honestly communicate the information your neighbors need?
Because, as you know, there are plenty of politicians who use their positions to communicate information that only helps them hold onto their office, regardless of accuracy. And plenty use their positions to spread information that prevents people from making good decisions and forces many to struggle needlessly, precisely because wedging neighbors apart makes winning elections easier.
If You Plan to Beat Roae/Rapp/Wentling/Brooks
This week, you should find someone whose candidacy for city council, school board, or other local office you support. Offer to help them out. Practically speaking, you’ll learn a lot about the petition process, and how to organize the many logistical issues of a campaign. Plus, you’ll help make our community better. Win-win while you help ‘em win!